Category: Intoxications

Vet Surgery – Open chest surgery

Bronx: Open Chest Surgery Bronx was playing in the back yard when he became impaled on a large stick – the wound looked small from the outside, however, what we found after further investigation was beyond anything we had ever seen before. Watch one of the most challenging surgeries we

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Stuck Puppy

Stuck Puppy – A Helping Hand One of the greatest joys of being an emergency veterinarian is that we get to be a part of the miracle of birth. We often have patients bought in to see us because they are having a difficult labour, but luckily we are always

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Sneezing kitty

Bella The Sneezing Kitty Meet Bella, the poor kitty that just couldn’t stop sneezing and snorting. Her owner bought her in to see us, and after some investigation and very careful handiwork, we finally found out what was causing her discomfort.

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Vet Surgery – Emergency caesarean

Honey presented to us at 1am experiencing a difficult labour. She had a pup stuck in her birth canal, and an ultrasound confirmed the pups were in distress. An emergency caesarean was performed to ensure the safety of her, and the safe arrival of her pups.

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Pulse Oximetry! Know it’s Limitations.

Pulse oximetry is very useful diagnostic and monitoring tool that is now commonplace in veterinary clinics. It measures the percentage of hemoglobin that is saturated with oxygen, and is an indirect measure of arterial oxygen levels. However, here are several important points that can help you understand the limitations of

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Don’t Rush: A Systematic Approach To X-rays

  One of my responsibilities in our emergency hospital is the training and mentoring of veterinarians new to the field of emergency and critical care. A common area that I have found where clinicians request more training is radiographic interpretation. When I review radiographs and I find pathology that was

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The Dangers of Casts and Bandages

    Casts and bandages are frequently used to treat orthopaedic conditions, especially in situations where clients have financial constraints thus ruling out surgical treatment. However, these techniques have an extremely high probability of complications that include: Malunion, delayed or non-union. Fracture disease, which refers to joint stiffness, muscle atrophy,

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Urinalysis – The Neglected Test.

Urinalysis is an important diagnostic tool in veterinary practice. It is indicated for any patient that presentations with polyuria or urinary tract signs, but also a necessary test to perform in conjunction with serum biochemistry. Why do some clinicians fail to perform urinalyses even when they are indicated? Some reasons

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Blood Smears – Make Them A Routine Test!

  Blood smear evaluation is an often overlooked but a very important aspect for in-house haematology. With the advancement in haematology analysers that can now detect reticulocytes and even band neutrophils, some practitioners are beginning to rely solely on the numerical data alone in evaluating the patient’s blood. The art

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