Tag: Dogs

Dog Bite Wounds – The Tip of Iceberg!

Dog bite wounds are one of the most common presentations both in general and emergency practice, and they can often be challenging cases. Once you have stabilised the patient, it is time to go speak to the client. Here is the most important point that you need address: The injuries

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Fluid Therapy: Twice Maintenance Just Isn’t Good Enough!

Fluid therapy is a topic that sometimes gets overlooked by veterinarians, partly because there is a misconception that developing fluid plans can be very difficult. However, if you keep it simple, you can develop a tailored fluid therapy plan for you patient that is much better than a blanket ‘twice

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Anesthetic Risks: When Complacency Sets In!

Adverse events during anesthesia in otherwise young and healthy patients is a rare occurrence, however, with low incidence of adverse events could come an increased risk of complacency on the part of the veterinary team. Take the following case as an example: “Clicky” is a young and healthy cat that

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The MiniVet Guide For Fundraising

Did you know the MiniVet Guide can help you raise funds for your student club, event or charity? I offer the MiniVet Guide to students to help them raise serious cash for their club, event or charity. I love this side of what I do, as it allows me to help students

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Dr Google Can Be Your Friend!

Technology has changed how we practice veterinary medicine. Gone are the days of the paternalistic relationship between vet and client where the client will simply go along with whatever the vet deems is necessary for the pet. Clients are becoming more knowledgeable and as vets, we are often faced with

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Congress 2017 Cambridge UK

This is something we are really looking forward to exhibiting at. Similar to the USA Symposium, this is where all veterinary students in the UK come together each year to connect, learn and discover more about the veterinary world.

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SPVS Final Year Seminar UK

We exhibited at this student veterinary event, which was held at Lancaster University. Although a smaller event it is a perfect opportunity to reach students who are heading into their final year of studies. This is where the MiniVet Guide comes into its own. It is the best resource for

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SAVMA Student Symposium USA

I launched the MiniVet Guide into USA at the SAVMA Student Symposium in Iowa in 2016. The response was incredible and it was the perfect opportunity to showcase the MiniVet Guide to American Veterinary Medical Students. I can’t wait to exhibit again at the 2017 Symposium in Texas.

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Transition Into Clinical Practice

At the Animal Emergency Service, we have dozens of students every year coming through for practical rotations. Here are some of my tips to help your transition into practical placements. Top Tips Have a MiniVet Guide! This will give you a framework on which to approach any case that you

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MiniVet Guide Interview

Que : What’s your background? I graduated from the University of Queensland in 2008. I started in a busy companion animal general practice then made the transition to the field of emergency and critical care. I am a director of a large emergency hospital in Brisbane called the Animal Emergency

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Life as an Emergency Veterinarian

I distinctly remember my first encounter with the world of emergency medicine. It was when I called the local emergency center for advice on how to manage a patient that was bitten by venomous snake. I was blown away by the calm, knowledgeable and reassuring voice on the other end

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